Tasmanian Philatelic Society


The Tasmanian Philatelic Society

The TPS is based in Hobart and welcomes collectors at all levels and interested in anything related to stamps, postal history, revenues, postcards and ephemera. The Society includes both local members with a wide range of interests and interstate and overseas members who specialise in Tasmania

Meetings are held on the first Monday evening of the month, except for January and start at 7:30. pm

Visitors are very welcome.


Each meeting features a guest speaker and a display. Business is kept to a minimum and Exchange books are circulated where members can buy and sell stamps.

There is also a small sale by tender where stamps and similar items can be bought and sold.

A comprehensive library of reference books and catalogues is available for use by members. A watermark detector and UV Lamps are available for use by members.

Publications and on-line resources

Members receive a copy of the TPS Journal, The Courier twice per year. This is a full-colour research journal covering all aspects of Tasmanian Philately, postcards and postal history. The TPS website also contains helpful articles about Tasmanian stamps and postal history that can be viewed or downloaded.


Legacy House, in the meeting room at the end of the side lane, 169 Macquarie St.

Further information and membership




GPO Box 594, GPO

Hobart, Tas 7005
