Launceston Philatelic Society
The Society holds general meetings twice a month at the Max Fry Hall in Trevallyn commencing at 7:00pm. The formal part of the meeting is usually very short and is followed by a philatelic sale, members display and we conclude with an opportunity to purchase from the latest exchange sheets.
In June 2011 the Society became a Company Limited by Guarantee.
1. Opportunity to buy or sell philatelic items through the exchange sheets circulated among members.
2. Opportunity to buy and sell at the half-yearly sales and meeting mini sales.
3. Displays and talks at each meeting.
4. Books on philately may be borrowed from the society’s library.
The Max Fry Hall (opp. Trevallyn Primary School)
Gorge Road, Trevallyn, Launceston, Tasmania.
Further information

Secretary’s Contact Address
Post Office Box 1055
Australia 7250
Phone (03) 6327 2288 (After Hours) or 6331 2580
Market Days
The LPS conducts 2 Market Days per year at the Max Fry Hall where members are able to sell all types of items including stamps, post cards, ephemera and covers . The Markets are open to the public and visitors are very welcolm. Market Days are held March and September.
Dates for 2022 can be found on the LPS website